In the Pool or the Kitchen, On the Stage or the Trail…Owego Shines!

One of the most magical things about Owego is the abundance of opportunities for campers to excel in a multitude of disciplines. Been playing soccer since you were a toddler? You will lead your team to victory. Have impressive acting chops with the voice of an angel? You’ll shine on the stage. No matter what you love to do, or where your talents lie, there is a venue at camp in which you can put it all on display.

These past couple of days have brought soaring temperatures to Greeley. We’ve also witnessed campers soaring to new heights in a variety of endeavors both in and out of camp. Our talented swimmers dominated Monday’s swim meet at Pine Forest, winning all but one of their relays! There were individual wins as well, for both seasoned swimmers and first-time competitors. Owego demonstrated great skill in the water and notable sportsmanship out of the pool. Way to go, boys!

Our Top Cooks were at it again, grilling chicken and steak in Owego’s grove on Sunday (under the tutelage of Kyle, no less) and then traveling out of camp yesterday to Riverside Creamery. At Riverside Ice, the campers made a batch of cookies and cream and even got to taste the product! They checked out the walk-in freezer where the freshly made ice cream is stored to harden before serving. The group’s hard work was rewarded with a scenic walk along the Delaware River to the Creamery, where they enjoyed a waffle cone with their flavor and topping of choice!  These boys have what it takes to whip up something delicious, and they are only getting better with each Top Cooks session.

The 9th graders took a break from their Nine Lives activities to embark on an overnight trip to the Thunder Swamp Trail. Led by head of tripping Josh, Junior head counselor Mike, and assistant head of tripping Sam, these boys loaded up their packs and set out on the infamous “Long-Distance Hike,” aka “The Mike Hike.” Departing after lunch on Monday, the group hiked approximately half of the nearly 20-mile loop. At the conclusion of yesterday’s hike, in addition to resting their tired feet, the campers set up tents, made dinner, and settled in for the night. This morning’s 5:00 wake-up enabled the campers to finish the remaining portion of the trail before heading back to Owego (by van, not by foot). The resilience necessary to complete a physically challenging activity like this simply cannot be understated!

Tonight, on Scotty’s stage, the extraordinarily talented cast of “Seussical the Musical” performed for the entire camp. The amount of dedication required to put together a show like this in just over two weeks of camp is remarkable! Scotty guided the cast in learning musical numbers, staging, choreography, AND memorizing lines. All of the hard work paid off tonight with a joyfully entertaining performance. The audience loved it! The Cat in the Hat, Horton the Elephant, the Wickersham Brothers, the Sour Kangaroo — everyone in the cast gave it their all! It is NOT easy to perform for your peers. Bravo!

Whether they pushed the limits in the swim meet, pushed themselves to learn to cook something new, persevered through a tough physical challenge, or dedicated themselves to displaying their talents on stage, these four distinct groups of Owegans showed great ambition, resolve, and passion for the activities they love to do. Camp may provide the opportunity, but the campers have to grab the reigns themselves and go for the ride. These boys do that and so much more. They make us proud everyday.

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