Quintessentially LOC

What makes Lake Owego Camp so special to everyone who is lucky enough to have spent one, three, seven, or more summers in Greeley, PA? Some say it’s the feeling of brotherhood, or the amazing Friday night campfires. Frontier Week, unique to LOC, is a top choice as well as the traditions live on through returning campers and staff. We think all of these are quintessentially Lake Owego Camp.

There is nothing that compares to the feeling of brotherhood at LOC. You walk through the gates and it overwhelms you in the best way. An immediate sense of belonging and familiarity takes hold from day one, like you have been there and have known everyone forever. From the newest camper and staff member to the oldest of Old Timers, you know you are right where you belong. You are home. You are smiling ear to ear and you are surrounded by your brothers.

Friday night campfires are filled with skits, songs, joke-offs, awards, and so many traditions that visiting alumni, since 1961, can sit down and join right in. Kings Court, “Little Red Wagon”, Top 10, IRock award, Tent Talk – they’re just a few of the many fun things you can expect. Owego campfires are the highlight of each week. Every one, on its own, is really something special and purely LOC. You’ll laugh ’til you cry while you are there and cry ’til you laugh, remembering them.

Frontier Week is what Lake Owego Camp is all about. Four days of non-stop teamwork. It was created to give every camper and staff member the opportunity to share the principles of a tribal community where every person is an integral part of each event. You work together until the end. Each tribe is supporting their own members as well as those of other tribes. We can say it’s our “color war,” but it’s just not. It’s Frontier Week. It’s Lake Owego.

“Only at Owego”, “Tradition Lives On”, ” Blue, White, Life”, “Blue Flames Never Die”, “Where you go, Oh we go”…these are just a few of our sayings that define what is quintessentially Lake Owego Camp. Being there, experiencing it first-hand, is the only way to completely understand. Then, you are a lucky man, an “Owegan Brother to the Core.”


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