At the strike of midnight on December 31st, Owegans everywhere will usher in the year 2025. Some will celebrate with family, some with friends, and some may actually be asleep before the ball drops in Times Square. Though our camp family will be spread out across the globe on New Year’s Eve, we can all look forward to a time (about 200 days from now) when we will once again be together.
As the holiday season quickly approaches and goals are set for the year ahead, we reflect on the past year and determine what changes we will make as we venture into the uncertainty of tomorrow. These New Year’s “Resolutions” hold us accountable for our behaviors, allow us to strive for great things, and remind us that there is still so much left to do. Our time at camp is no exception.
And so, it is with great fanfare and a little tongue-in-cheek humor that the Owego Blog presents its “Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Summer 2025.” Adapt them to your particular experience, as needed.
10. Try some new foods! — Fruit Loops are tasty, and dry pasta is a reliable staple, but why not dip your toes into the culinary waters with some baked ziti or Greek falafel? Even Juniors should aspire to expand their dietary horizons this summer by resolving to make French fries a side dish and try some new (gasp!) vegetables. P.S. The Tzatziki and guacamole are DELICIOUS!
9. Go for a hike! — Or a bike ride, or a canoe trip. Get out of camp! Take advantage of one of the many opportunities you have to see the world beyond 1687 Route 6. Never been on a bike trip with Freedo? Give it a try! Sign up for a waterskiing trip on Lake Wally. Canoe down the Delaware River with our amazing Tripping staff. Resolve to do something different instead of being confined by the boundaries of camp.
8. Audition for Scotty’s Show! — From the youngest Junior campers up through Key Staff, everyone who participates in the Show has a blast! Check your ego at the door and take a chance by appearing on stage in front of an audience of your peers. You’ll sing, you’ll dance, you’ll make friends. Everyone is welcome — the more, the merrier!
7. Go all-in for Frontier Week! — It doesn’t matter if you’re not chosen to be Chief, Warrior, or Med Man. You can bring the spirit and inspire your Tribe with your positive attitude and impressive effort. Gather wood without being asked, encourage the Juniors to get involved, and cheer loudly for your friends, no matter what Tribe they belong to.
6. Don’t lose all of your stuff! — Instead of shoving sports equipment, pieces of mail, and dirty socks under your bed, try your best to stay organized throughout the summer. Need an Official for an out-of-camp trip? You should know where to find one. If you came to camp with four bathing suits, you should leave camp with four bathing suits. Making a conscious effort to keep track of your belongings will make your unit leaders less stressed and your parents very proud!
5. Take a new camper “under your wing!” — Remember when you first arrived at Owego and didn’t know anyone? It’s an intimidating feeling to be the “new camper.” You don’t understand the inside jokes, you are clueless about Owego traditions (Little Red Wagon???), and you have no idea how to play Bombardment. Veteran campers have the unique ability to help ease a new camper’s anxiety by befriending him and showing him the ropes. Everyone wins!
4. Write more letters to family and friends! — While your ultimate motivation for letter-writing may be the promise of Canteen, your Mom or Grandfather or best friend is sitting at home eagerly waiting to hear from you. You came to camp with stationary, envelopes, and stamps (Please!!!). Now you have to write! If you can’t think of anything to write, just make a list of the activities you did that day, or even the food you ate. Anything is better than nothing! Don’t hesitate to ask for help — those envelopes aren’t going to address themselves!
3. Join an Intercamp team for a sport at which you DON’T excel! — Campers are chomping at the bit to sign up for Intercamp soccer, basketball, and baseball. But have you ever considered entering a swim meet or participating in an art competition? Camp is for trying EVERYTHING. Flag football, fencing, archery — don’t be afraid to compete at something new. You might surprise yourself!
2. Start Summer 2025 with an Open Mind! — What you accomplished last summer is great and all, but starting fresh with no expectations allows you to make the most of your time at camp. It doesn’t matter who your closest friends were or what activities you’ve already tried. There is always room for change and growth. You can be the best version of yourself at camp, but you have to be willing to take risks and move beyond your comfort zone. Hence, the real purpose of this list of resolutions!
And, perhaps the most important New Year’s “Camp” Resolution of all:
1. ???????????
Only YOU can decide. What do YOU resolve to accomplish at camp this coming summer? The possibilities are endless, even though the summer is not.
Happy New Year!!!